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- Ethan A. Blanca
A New Fate Page 2
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“Well that’s just it. Though I’m a fire demon, I disagree with our shadow demon brethren and their ways,” Joshua explains.
“So, you decided to fight against them instead?”
“Exactly, sir! I contacted Rose, offering to join the war against my own kind. However, it was far too dangerous to meet in this world, so we planned to meet in your world, sir. Though I’ve now discovered that the option we decided to take wasn’t so safe either.”
“Wait--did you just say ‘your world?’ Are we not in Amaria?” I ask with sudden shock.
“Amaria? Is that what your people call your world?” Joshua asks.
“Yes... if we are not in Amaria anymore, where are we?” I ask, my eyes shining with a look of curiosity and excitement.
“Well, we are in the world known as Sarrus, in the Forests of the Treants,” Joshua exclaims, waving his hands to the view before us. Now that I look around me, this world is definitely not Amaria. There are large mountains, wide plains filled with the colors of countless flowers, lakes and rivers with more water than those in Amaria. In the village we’re in I notice the houses, made with some natural material unknown to me. All of the people, besides Joshua of course, look like Rose. Some treants have different flowers and plants growing from them than others. Upon closer inspection, I notice that some of the biggest trees I’ve ever seen shoot up into the bright blue sky.
“This is amazing!” I exclaim. Joshua and Rose both smile in agreement.
“Though this world is home to some beautiful things, it also is home to dangerous, evil things. Some that you have already experienced, Ron,” Rose states.
“The war in this world is a brutal one, one you would have to join if you want to save David Ron,” Joshua adds.
“I don’t care what we have to face! I am prepared to fight anyone or anything to get David back,” I state. As I say this, a bolt of fire suddenly explodes from the other side of the village.
“Has the enemy already found us?!” Rose shouts.
“Don’t worry,” Joshua assures. “The power of that explosion means that there are only a few of them.”
“Ron, you should return to the room. Joshua and I can handle this,” Rose suggests.
As she says this I remember that my rifle is still in the room. After asking Rose for my knife back, I enter the room. Checking the rifle, I count my ammo. It’s a good thing I didn’t lose the ammo in my pocket during that fight in the forest; otherwise I would only have one shot.
As I do this, Rose directs the few inhabitants of the village away from the soon-to-be battlefield. Joshua, on the other hand, confronts the attackers.
Standing before Joshua is a fire demon and two small creatures. “You thought you could escape, Joshua the traitor?” challenges the fire demon.
“I would rather not fight my own kind,” Joshua states, “but if you get in my way... I will kill you.”
As Joshua boldly makes his statement his cloak glows from his red skin underneath. His body is imbued with the same power his fist had back in our fight with the demon stalker. Rose runs to Joshua’s side.
“I’ll help ease the burden,” Rose taunts as she also readies to attack, her vines stretching from her back. Before they begin, however, I join the stare-down.
“Ron, what are you doing?! You are still injured,” Joshua shouts.
“Nah--I’m fine; in fact, I’ll end this fight before it begins!” I remark.
Puzzled, Rose and Joshua hold their positions, while I ready my rifle.
“So,” I declare as I load my bullet. “Who is the strongest out of you three?” I ask as I point my rifle in the direction of Joshua’s challengers.
“Ooo, this creature is taunting us!” one of the smaller creatures shouts.
“Get him, sir!” the other creature remarks.
“So, you’re the leader?” I ask the fire demon.
“So, what if I am?!” he shouts.
“I’ll give you three seconds, three seconds to leave this place alive, or you will die.” The demon laughs as I begin counting.
“This puny creature thinks he can kill me?!” the demon shouts with an angry snarl.
“Ron, what’s your plan!?” Rose and Joshua ask.
“You’re about to regret ever setting foot in demon’s territory!” the demon exclaims with hate as it begins to charge right for me, its hand glowing as if it were on fire.
“Ron!” Rose shouts as she readies her vines.
“Three, nothing personal.”
The shot echoes throughout the plains of the treants. Both Rose and Joshua are covering their ears, jaws dropped in amazement. The shot’s echo travels to a dark place, where a figure suddenly has a big smile spread across its face. It travels to a wide plain, where a figure clad in shining armor looks up, the wind dancing around it. It travels to a dark forest, where warriors suddenly stop fighting, but only for a moment.
“Wha- ahh... are yo-” the demon spits out as he falls to the ground, dead. The two smaller creatures instantly run, begging for mercy as they go.
“Head shot, right through the eye,” I mutter as I lower my rifle.
“How did you instantly kill him?” Joshua asks, a shocked look still covering his face.
“Without even touching him...” Rose adds. “And that noise your weapon made... you must be a Homathreas,” Rose stutters.
“Homathreas? What’s a Homathreas?” I ask, continuing to become more and more intrigued about this new world I’ve found myself in.
Chapter Four
Ron’s Journey
As we begin traveling, Rose starts to explain. “Well unfortunately, the only thing I know about Homathreas is that whenever one enters this world, a shout heard by all of Sarrus will soon follow.”
“Sorry, Ron, I wouldn’t know anything about Homathreas. All I know is that they are part of some prophecy we demons don’t care for,” Joshua comments.
A little disappointed, I scan the surrounding area. “Well, is there anyone you know that would know more about this prophecy?”
“Well,” Rose begins, “the Wise Ones would probably know more than I do.”
“And where are these Wise Ones?” I ask.
“On the outside plains of the City of Elves. They are already at war with the demons, so they should make some good first allies,” Rose answers.
“Elves? What the hell are elves?” I ask, beginning to feel a little lost. Nothing but surprise shows on Rose’s and Joshua’s faces.
“Are there no elves in your world, Ron?” Joshua asks.
“No, in fact the only people in Amaria are humans,” I explain. “Now that I think about it... why does it seem like nobody, besides you two, knows what humans are?” I ask. A few seconds of awkward silence pass before Rose attempts to explain.
“The thing is, Ron, humans do exist in this world, or they did exist in this world...” she begins.
“What do you mean?” I ask, a little concerned.
“The humans used to have a great empire long ago, even rivaling the elves in strength. However, when the demons attacked, the human’s kingdom was destroyed. Unlike the other races, the humans refused to surrender till they were already destroyed. The remaining humans went into hiding, and since no one knows where that hiding place is, it is rare to see a human these days,” Joshua explains.
Upon hearing this I can’t help but chuckle. “Just like Western Amaria,” I grin.
“What, Ron?” Rose asks.
“Oh, nothing important,” I reply.
“In any case, your combat style is certainly unique,” Joshua states.
“Yeah, that’s a powerful weapon, Ron!” Rose compliments.
“Look, guys, I’m not really that special. Anyone from Amaria could learn to use this weapon,” I inform
“I think you’re underestimating your own strength, sir-er, Ron,” Joshua compliments.
“Well to me, you guys are the insane ones. Especially you, Rose. If it wasn’t for those vines of yours, David and I would have both perished. I’m fairly confused as to how you did that though.”
“Why thank you. For a warrior such as yourself, that means a lot. If you are curious I can show you,” Rose answers with a smile. She twirls around so that her back is facing me.
My eyes widen with wonder. There is a small hole in Rose’s back covered by clear, curtain-like leaves. “Woah, that’s amazing!”
“I’m flattered you think so, though there are plenty of other treants who’s vines are stronger than mine,” Rose explains.
My curiosity getting the better of me, I slowly reach out to Rose’s back. I gently poke the area where the vines come from. As soon as I make contact Rose jumps back in surprise. She has a shocked and embarrassed look on her face.
“Ron, why did you do that?! Treants are sensitive in that area!” Joshua blurts out.
Well, I feel like an idiot. “Rose, I am so sorry! I should have asked first! I didn’t know-” I begin to say, feeling more and more dumb as I speak.
“Um, it’s fine, Ron, really--I know you didn’t mean to scare me,” Rose explains. She’s obviously embarrassed.
Joshua can’t help but chuckle at the situation unfolding before him. After we clear up the situation, we continue.
“Um, Joshua, that glow that came from your skin during that fight--what was that?” I ask, trying to make conversation.
“Well, Ron, that was similar to what that fire demon tried to use against you,” Joshua answers. “Would you like to see?”
Joshua tells Rose and me to back up. Then he takes a stance. Suddenly, his fist starts to glow. “This,” Joshua begins, “is a technique known as Exdrift. Exdrift is used to bring out the power of your nature. Fire demons, of course, have a fire nature. Rose also uses this. Being a treant, she uses plant nature. Of course, you already knew this,” Joshua adds, laughing.
“Dang it, Joshua, we just resolved that,” I think as I glance at Rose. A sigh of relief escapes my mouth; it seems she is over it, though she is making a great effort to hide her face.
“Anyways, I will now demonstrate what would have happened to Ron if he was hit by that attack,” Joshua states. After he says this, he immediately charges at a tree, punching it as he gets in range. The tree, now slightly on fire, falls to the ground, as does my jaw.
“It’s a good thing I said three seconds, and not five,” I think to myself, shuddering. Joshua smiles, obviously proud of what he had done. Before any of us can say anything, however, a chill goes down both of our spines. “Oh no,” I mumble as I turn to Rose.
“Joshua!” Rose shouts. “Why did you use that on a tree!?”
“Oh um, sorry I... um didn’t mean to offend you in any way... um...,” Joshua stutters.
“Note to self, never upset Rose in any way,” I think to myself as Joshua bows before the ticked-off Rose. I can’t help but chuckle--that’s karma for you. After Joshua stops begging for mercy, we continue along. Honestly, I don’t know why he was scared. If anyone should be scared, it’s me. This world is full of amazing and powerful things. I can’t stop shaking. This is going to be interesting.
As we continue along the road, Joshua finishes explaining a little about Exdrift. He explains that most people and creatures of Sarrus have the abilities of Exdrift. Since I was born in another world, Joshua is unsure whether or not I had the potential to unlock my nature.
“Whatever that means. Sounds like some magic stuff if you ask me, not that I’m complaining,” I muse.
I also talk with Rose for a while. Apparently that village we were at isn’t her home. Her home is actually in another forest far from where we are. Someday she would like to return, but only after she joins in the fight against the demons. “I respect that decision,” I tell Rose.
“Really? Most people usually wonder why I even want to fight. They argue that treants are known to be a peaceful species, and we have no right to fight in wars,” Rose says, looking down.
At this I chuckle.
“Hey, what’s so funny?” Rose asks, pouting.
“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s just that you kind of remind me of myself when I was a kid, eager to join a war I wasn’t necessarily forced to join,” I say.
“O-oh... really?” Rose says, slightly blushing.
“Yup, that’s what I meant when I said I respect your choice,” I say, holding out my hand.
Rose accepts the offer, shaking my hand with a smile.
After a while, night falls. Rose suggests we camp in a cave we spot in the forest off of the road. Makes sense, since we are being hunted by demons and all. We settle down for the night. I volunteer to keep watch so Rose and Joshua can get some sleep.
“Are you sure, Ron?” Rose asks, looking concerned.
“I’ll be fine,” I assure her, “One time in the Four Corners War I fought for two days straight without sleep!” I brag.
“If you say so si- er, I mean Ron,” Joshua states, yawning as he rolls over, falling asleep almost instantly.
I begin the lookout. “Man, I haven’t had this kind of fun in a while,” I mumble to myself. “It feels like I’m a kid again, learning new stuff all the time.”
As I’m thinking these things, I hear a noise coming from the shadows of the cave. The curious idiot I am, I investigate the noise. I don’t travel far, since I suddenly can’t move, or speak. Someone, or something, is holding me. I can’t see clearly, but I can tell I’m being taken farther into the cave.
After some time, it finally lets go. I struggle to get up. “What the hell’s going on now? Is it a demon? Were they following us?” I ask myself. “Who are you,” I call out to the darkness.
“Why, that’s no way to talk to your host,” a voice says.
“Well, yes, I mean you lot are sleeping in my cave! You’re lucky I’m a nice guy.”
“Well, what do you want?” I stutter.
“Oh, nothing much. I just wanted to ask you a question,” the voice explains. “How did you acquire those scars?”
“If you mean my eye scars, I got them in a war,” I answer, annoyed at the situation I’m in.
“Ah, a warrior--we are the same.”
“I highly doubt we are anything alike,” I shout back.
“Oh, you’re in for a treat!” the voice exclaims with a laugh. “We are, in fact, very similar. We even have the same nature.”
“Nature? If you’re talking about that Exdrift thing or whatever it is, I don’t have that. I’m not from this world!” I tell the voice.
“Oh, really... then how do you explain the dark nature I sense coming from your eye?” the voice points out.
What is this person talking about? Wait, now that I think about it, my left eye doesn’t seem to be the same. It feels, well, weird. “Ever since that demon stalker wounded me...” I blurt out loud.
“What did you say--demon stalker?” the voice remarks. Suddenly a figure comes out from the darkness.
I jump back, knife drawn. “So, are you the one responsible for this? What are you?!” I yell at the figure.
“Why, I’m human, fellow Amarian,” the figure reveals with a big smile.
Chapter Five
The Weird and Mysterious Human
I back away in shock. He’s human? And he knows about Amaria. “Were you also from Amaria?” I ask the man.
“Oh, yes, indeed I was,” he replies. “By the way, I never got my guests’ names, now did I?”
“Well the name’s Ron, Ron Amar,” I reply.
“Amar? I pity your past, Ron,” the stranger states, his ever-present smile disappearing for just a m
“Don’t--it doesn’t really matter now anyway,” I remark.
“Well, then, pleased to meet you, Ron! Unfortunately, I don’t really have a name now, so just call me Tink,” He explains.
“Tink? Well thank you for not killing me, I guess,” I state.
“Oh, I knew we were similar, but turns out we are about the same,” Tink points out.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I have the same exact nature coming from me, Ron,” Tink explains.
“Wait, so that means...”
“Yes,” Tink cuts in, “I, too, was attacked by a demon stalker in Amaria. You are lucky, Ron. By the looks of it, that treant lady saved you from its clutches. I, on the other hand, was taken to a prison--dreadful place. Fortunately, some elves attacked it and I was able to escape,” Tink explains.
“Wait--you know where the prison is? I have a friend who was taken by a demon stalker!” I tell Tink.
“Oh, and I would love to help, but the place I was held is now destroyed. Your friend was most likely taken to some place unknown to me,” Tink explains.
At this I can’t help but feel down.
“However, I can help you in another way,” Tink states, a big smile spread across his face. “I can teach you how to use the shadow nature that demon stalker gave you.”
“Wait, why would the demon stalker give me power?” I ask, confused.
“I wish I knew that, Ron, since a demon stalker did the same to me, and probably your friend,” Tink explains. “Anyway, this power is great, but be warned. Its power can give the user the ability to survive in this world, or die in it.”
“What do you mean?” I ask. Tink lifts up his shirt, revealing a wound I can tell was received a while back, but something isn’t right about it. It has what I can only describe as living shadows circling around it.
“I failed to master this power, Ron. But you can, with my guidance.”
“But if you failed, why would I want you to teach me?” I ask with confusion.
“Because I know what causes the user to fall prey: the mind. When I first came to this world, the demon took me to the prison,” Tink begins to explain, “there they tore at my emotions, reminding me of deaths, losses, mistakes, hardships. If not for the elves’ attack I would have fallen off the edge into darkness.”